No. 197

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  July 2020


Tim Costeloe (G 67-72), now a retired art teacher in New Zealand, has been spending some of his ‘lockdown’ time sketching scenes in and around Wellington which give an impression of some of the things happening around him and how he interpreted them. Some of his drawings, which are well worth viewing and often quite idiosyncratic, can be seen below.

Tim says, “The images were done to amuse myself as the world focused on only one thing. They are my take on what my government was doing and how my life was being impacted by it. I developed my love of things artistic at Loughborough University and then went off to teach in New Zealand, where I have been ever since the age of twenty four.  I have married a Kiwi and have two sons, both involved in the creative industries. I retired very recently and now concentrate on doing the things which I have taught over the last thirty six years. My enthusiasms include sculpture, print making, ceramics and constructing unusual furniture, though I am not especially accomplished in anything.”


Tim Costeloe's Drawings:

(Please click on each number below to view)

1.  A beach within the city of Wellington

2.  Birds returning to their favourite places

3.  Jasinda Ardern putting the country into bubbles

4.  My wife and I sheltering from the virus

5.  A self portrait of me in fear of the virus

6.  My sons in their house

7.  My walking shoes walking alone

8.  My 'Chicken Soup' shoes

9.  Tap reflections

10.  Genie in the lamp

11.  Living in bubbles

12.  Large family bubble

13.  Self portrait close up

14.  Couple in protective clothing



The St Beghian Society    
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